Summer Volunteer Opportunities

Dear current and aspiring volunteers,

Thank you for all your support and involvement!  Here are some of our highest needs for July and beyond:

Pollinator gardeners, ongoing:
There is a focus to expand and improve pollinator gardens and meadows this year. Are you interested in planting, weeding, watering, pruning, or advising? Let us know! All ages.

Friday Morning Fishing assistants:
Throughout the summer, there will be a Friday morning family fishing program at Straw Point.  Let us know if you have interest in assisting.  This goes for any program on the calendar, in fact, but this is the current highest need.

Greeters at Botume House, ongoing:
DCR is looking for support welcoming visitors at their Woodland Road headquarters and visitor’s center in Stoneham.  No experience  necessary, although you’re welcome to share your Fells expertise as applicable. Their highest needs are weekdays during the day, but within that, hours, shift-lengths, and frequency of involvement are flexible.

VERT–Sasquatch, 7/8:
We are one of the main beneficiaries for these charity trail races, and a wide variety of volunteer shifts and tasks are available.  Free food, beer, and a T-shirt come with this volunteer gig ;).
Sign up here:
If you go to “register” it will give you the opportunity to register fee-free as a volunteer versus a runner, but feel free to reply to this email with any questions. Opportunities available for teen volunteers, as well.

Outreach, various dates:
Busy season is not until the fall, with Stoneham Farmer’s Market on September 7, the art month reception September 8, the Melrose Victorian Fair on September 10, and Stoneham Town Day on September 16, as well as a handful of other possible events.  It’s not too early to time in if you’d love to rep at one of them!

Would you like to submit a hike or event to be listed on our calendar?  Can you help with IT support? Would you like to contribute to or help with our newsletter/calendar?  Are you looking to develop  more of a leadership role in the organization? And, as always, feel free to propose your own ideas and intiatives, and if it is a good fit we can offer support and connections.

We’re looking forward to working with you!

Lindsay Beal

Volunteer Coordinator or sign up here