A bright fall sun greeted a group of 16 runners for a guided trail run through the Middlesex Fells Reservation on the morning of November 19th. Many of our runners were running the Fells for the first time. They were rewarded with gorgeous views of Spot Pond, the Boston skyline from Wright’s Tower, and the South and Middle Reservoirs along our 6.75 mile route, which sampled parts of the Cross Fells and Reservoir trails and the fire roads along the reservoirs.
The newcomers agreed that they loved their first experience of trail running and we’re all excited to do another trail run soon. Thank you to the run’s leader, Shawn Hoyt, for guiding such a fun run. Watch the event calendar for the next guided run.

Shawn Hoyt, who lives near the edge of the Fells in Medford and can frequently be seen running through the Fells on his Instagram account @shawnhoytstayactive, organized and guided the trail run. Shawn is a FOF member, volunteer, and an avid trail runner. Since turning 50 years old, he has run the full length of every marked trail in the Fells Reservation. Shawn is starting to plan for another run, so watch the FOF website for upcoming details about the next trail run!
Keep an eye on our calendar here for more trail runs and other guided hikes!