A Piece of Fells History Transcribed and Restored

In the annals of the early history and the creation of the Fells, one of the defining moments was the publication of the 1894 Boston Herald article MIDDLESEX FELLS: Another Great Reservation for the Public.

Celebrating the “conversion of the Middlesex Fells into a great public recreation ground” the month prior, this article presented the newly established Fells to the Boston area with aureate prose and a number of beautiful line drawings and a map of the Fells.

For many years, this article was only available to view from the archives of the Boston Public Library as a scan of the original printed newspaper page (see header photo).  But now, thanks to the hard work of Fells Board Member Anita Brewer-Siljeholm and former Executive Director Mike Ryan, this article has been transcribed and re-assembled in .pdf form for easy viewing.

Many thanks to Anita and Mike for all their work, and for preserving this piece of Fells history for future Fells historians!

Having trouble viewing the document?
Click here for a direct download of the article.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”https%3A%2F%2Fwww.friendsofthefells.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F08%2F1894-Herald-Another-Great-Reservation.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]