by Amanda Treat
Every April 22nd, we collectively observe Earth Day, a day where the world shows support for our environment and its protection. While we don’t have Earth Day family traditions or Earth Day foods, there are still a variety of other ways to celebrate.
First, we can start from a place of appreciation. If we think about the Middlesex Fells as a microcosm of natural places, we can see how much the Earth gives to us. The Fells has 2,200 acres of forest, wetlands, rocky hills, and reservoirs. These ecosystems work hard to pull tons of CO2 and pollution from our air, mitigate flooding in neighboring communities, and house a variety of diverse plant and wildlife.
When we go into the Fells, studies have proven that we benefit from a reduction in stress levels, a slowing in cognitive decline, improved cardiovascular health, and improved overall well being. We can be grateful that places like the Fells make our lives happier and healthier.

A great way to celebrate Earth Day and renew our appreciation could be a walk through the Fells. Maybe we could invite family or neighbors and start a tradition. Beyond that, we can find ways to give back to the Earth through action or advocacy. Friends of the Fells regularly schedules invasive species removal days, which is a hands-on way to help protect the native ecosystem (and get a workout in the process). In fact, there are multiple events on Earth Day weekend to help the Fells.
Check them out below:
Surrounding communities have Earth Day fairs and clean up events with more opportunities for local action. We can set aside time to contact politicians, non-profit groups, or even companies like grocery stores chains about changes we want to see made.
This Earth Day is a great time to start a holiday tradition around community, action, and activism. From Friends of the Fells, we wish you a very Happy and Healthy Earth Month and Day and hope to see you at one of the upcoming events!