June Volunteer Spotlight

Welcome to our Volunteer Spotlight series! Each month, we spotlight one of our fantastic volunteers so you can learn more about the great work our community does for the Fells.

Learn more about one of our wonderful volunteers, Linda, below!

Name: Linda Williams

Town: Malden, MA

Linda has been a volunteer with Friends of the Fells for a year and a half. She is an active Trail Adopter and began her FOF volunteer journey by participating in invasive species removal events. Linda is also an active volunteer with our partner organization Earthwise Aware (EwA). She leads EwA phenology monitoring at the Bellevue Pond site as a citizen scientist and collects usage and bio-pollution data in the Fells.

The data collected through EwA’s projects helps inform and support advocacy efforts that work to preserve the Fells. Linda says she enjoys collecting data and phenology monitoring because it allows her to slow down and look at the Fells through a naturalist and phenology lens versus a user lens. This volunteer work gives her the opportunity to recognize and appreciate the ecology and fragility of the Fells to better understand the work that can be done to protect it.

Born and raised in the west end of Malden, Linda has been exploring the Fells most of her life. Before retiring, she worked in financial services and has a background in marketing communications. After leaving the financial services field, Linda decided to look for local organizations and volunteer opportunities that support causes she is passionate about.

One of Linda’s favorite memories in the Fells was when she first introduced her grandson to the park. The first time she brought him to hike in the woods she could see the calming influence that being immersed in the woods had on him. Today they enjoy sitting by the water and listening for birds together. Multiple generations of her family have been able to enjoy the park. Linda’s father took her and her brother to the Fells when she was a child, she was able to bring her kids, and now she takes her grandson to the Fells. The Fells is an important part of her family, and it is a resource she is passionate about protecting.

When asked for her advice on how to get involved, Linda shared, “Start going to programs that are of interest to you. This will help you see where you want to get involved and what activities will be the best fit for you!”

You can visit our volunteering page and learn more about getting involved or reach out to Maddie Morgan at maddie.morgan@fells.org.