Update on a Friends of the Fells Advocacy Win

DCR publishes map identifying paths where electric bikes are allowed

This spring, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) published a map on their website identifying 17 DCR properties where they allow operation of class 1 e-bikes on improved trails of an appropriate width. 

The Middlesex Fells does not appear on this list, since all Fells carriage roads and single-track trails are classified as “natural surface trails” according to DCR’s regulations.

Friends of the Fells advocates played a significant role in this outcome, meeting with DCR leadership and Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) staff and gathering a coalition of 18 parks nonprofits to ask DCR to rethink their original plan to allow e-bikes on natural surface trails. 

Many of our members followed up with letters to DCR, EEA, and the Governor’s office. If you spoke out in support of the Fells on this issue, thank you!

We are grateful for DCR’s work to educate the public with the release of the new e-bike map. More work still remains to be done on this topic, including updated in-park signage and enhanced public messaging so park users are aware of the new regulations regarding e-bikes in DCR’s treasured park spaces.

We’ll also continue work with our partners at DCR to support sustainable enjoyment of the Fells and promote a safe nature space for everyone.

If you’d like to learn more about our current advocacy campaigns and join us in taking action, sign up for Advocacy News here.